What is Remarketing and How Can it Skyrocket Your Conversions?


You’ve likely heard of retargeting or remarketing in digital marketing before. But what exactly is remarketing and how does it work to boost your bottom line? 

In this post, we’ll break down exactly what remarketing is, how it fits into your overall digital marketing strategy, and tips for making the most of remarketing campaigns. Read on to become a remarketing pro!

The Power of Familiarity

What makes remarketing so powerful is the familiarity effect. 

Research shows people prefer things they are familiar with. 

Remarketing ads tap into this psychological principle by reminding people of something they previously showed interest in.

Seeing a familiar brand when browsing unrelated sites makes you more likely to pay attention to the ad, remember the brand favorably, and be more inclined to click and purchase. 

In a sea of digital ads competing for attention, remarketing helps your brand stand out.

How Remarketing Campaigns Work?

Curious how retailers target you with those uncannily well-timed ads? 

Here’s a quick primer on how remarketing campaigns work their magic:

  1. You visit a website and browse a product page. Behind the scenes, a cookie on your browser identifies you as a potential customer.
  2. You leave without completing a purchase. But the brand can now identify you as someone who recently showed interest.
  3. Using tracking pixels or cookies, remarketing ads are served to you around ad exchanges or Social Media Marketing Services. The brand essentially says “Hey, don’t forget about this shirt you wanted!”
  4. More familiar with the brand through your previous visit, you click an ad and the brand has won you back. The sale is completed with the help of remarketing.

As you can see, remarketing targets high-intent users who previously engaged with a brand, sweeping them back into the sales funnel.

Remarketing Channels: Where You’ll See Ads

Now that you know how re-marketing works, where exactly will you come across these retargeted ads?

Some top remarketing channels include:

  • Google Ads

You have to target users based on their search history with Google’s powerful re-marketing.

  • Facebook/Instagram Ads

You can use detailed targeting parameters to reach users who previously engaged.

  • Programmatic Display Ads

Always, prefer to show ads on ad exchanges to target users based on browsing behavior. 

  • Amazon Ads

Remarket to users who browsed your products on Amazon.

  • YouTube Ads

Remarket videos to both website visitors and YouTube viewers.

  • Email Marketing

Send targeted email follow-ups to re-engage non-converting visitors.

The benefit of remarketing is that it allows you to leave no online stone unturned, following up with targeted messaging wherever your audience spends time online.

Crafting Effective Remarketing Campaigns

Now that you grasp the remarketing basics, how can you craft campaigns that effectively spur action? 

Here are some best practices for success with your retargeting:

  1. Get specific. The more you can micro-target based on pages visited, products viewed or links clicked, the better. This ensures relevancy.
  2. Remarket broadly. Don’t just rely on website visitors. Build custom audiences on channels like YouTube or Facebook as well.
  3. Use dynamic content. Change up your messaging and offers being promoted rather than displaying the exact same ad. This keeps users engaged. 
  4. Test different formats. Play with different ad types and styles. Maybe a video works better than static images for your brand.
  5. Time it right. There’s no consensus on the best remarketing frequency, but spread things out over a few days or weeks after an initial site visit. Don’t overdo it.
  6. Measure ROI. Use UTMs, coupon codes, or other tracking methods to see which we placements give you the best return. Then double down on what works.
  7. Remain privacy-conscious. While remarketing success hinges on targeted tracking, make sure to remain transparent with users and honor opt-out requests.

As you refine your retargeting strategy with a privacy-first approach, you’ll see a we shift from annoying to advantageous.

Why You Should Prioritize Remarketing?

Hopefully, you now have a solid grasp of re-marketing works and how to maximize it. But in case you need any extra convincing, here are some stellar benefits re-marketing offers:

  • Higher ROI – We targets high-intent users, boosting ROI on ad spend.
  • Brand familiarity – We keeps your brand top of mind with previous prospects.
  • Increased conversions – Bringing past visitors back into your sales funnel is proven to increase sales.
  • Cost-effective – Remarketing is much cheaper per click/impression than new visitor acquisition.
  • Buyer insights – The data you gain on customer behavior helps refine targeting and personas.

For any savvy digital marketer, re-marketing should be a foundational strategy you’re leveraging across channels. 

Add it to your playbook and watch your conversions take off!

Bringing It All Together

There you have it – a comprehensive look at remarketing and how to tap its power. To quickly recap:

  • We targets users who previously engaged with your brand across the web.
  • It banks on the familiarity effect to drive higher conversions.  
  • From Google to Instagram to Amazon, remarketing ads permeate top digital channels
  • Campaigns rely on cookies/pixels to track user behavior.
  • Effective re-marketing is highly targeted and keeps messaging fresh.
  • Prioritizing re-marketing provides a slew of benefits for savvy marketers.-

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